In the last five years I have learned that the most important thing we
can do is be true to ourselves. I still spend too much time working and not enough time with my kids, husband and dogs. I have wondered if I am too defined by my work, but in a way I have defined my work as an extension of who I am. My passions for branding, design, gardening and doing my part to make the world a better place have all come together. I am still exploring ideas and feeling my way into the future, but who isn't. We can't plan our lives perfectly. Nature isn't perfect and neither are we. 

I am trying to plan a little better than I used to but still leave lots of room
for change and adaption. This last year I chose to walk the walk - I created my own product line. I see first hand the challenges my clients face. For that very reason, I am working to build a like-minded community of local businesses that support each other. Small business employs more people in BC than big business yet it faces monumental hurdles without many of the supports available for big corporations. Local businesses can't compete against Walmart or Target alone. If we work together and help build each other's businesses up we can all benefit. And, when I help a company
brand itself to become more successful, it's a pretty good start.